Dean Weller

Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Friend, Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Presenter, Author | The Careers Guy, The Melancholy Manager

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Does your CV Represent YOU?

Careers Guy Career Tip

I have reviewed more CV’s than I care to count and in doing so have learned one thing. Get the basics right.

Too many times a CV is left wanting by not containing the simplest information an employer is looking for.

Ask yourself some simple questions:    

  • If you gave your CV to a stranger would they have a clear idea of what you want and what you can offer in just 20 seconds?
  • Does your CV clearly state your skills and desires?
  • Are you proud of your CV?

If the answer is no to any of these, you need a new one.

The need for a clear and easy to read CV cannot be underestimated. With a few expectations, your creative flair on a computer to produce an elaborate CV will go un-noticed and in some cases have a negative effect so keep it simple.

  • Make sure your contact details are correct
  • Use a clear font
  • Simple formatting with bold text to highlight key areas
  • Have a summary CV of just 1 page for each job you apply for.
  • Use black print on white paper
  • Make it interesting
  • Keep it relevant to the job you are applying for

Remember you CV is your advert, each word needs to justify its place and each sentence needs to inform the reader of what you can do and what you want.

For more free advice on creating the perfect CV please visit my web site and Download The career Workbook – How to get the job you really want in the 21st Century.

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Checklist for a great CV

If time is against you and you need to jump-start the process, here are some quick tips for producing your CV:

1. Make sure your contact information is clearly visible at the top of the document

Example CV Layout Title


2. Your personal profile should be around 3-5 lines and tell the reader who you are, what you have and what you’re looking for

Example Profile Statement


3. List your key skills and competencies in order of importance to the role you’re applying for

Example Core Skills


4. Keep it to 2 pages if you’re sending directly to a company or the hiring manager


5. You must make 80% of your impact within the first half page. Most CV’s are scan-read within 20-30 seconds, sometimes a lot less !

20 seconds_stop-watch


6. Use standard margins and an easily readable font and size

Stardard A4


7. Save your CV in PDF format to ensure the formatting is locked down



Here’s your CV Checklist

CV Checklist


For more great CV tips and career advice visit or

Coming soon: The Professional Career Planning & Job Search workbook

Career_Workbook_Cover_A4_300DPI v5 angled no top bar